All Text Inputs



Sets the pleudo-class selector of the selected text-based input elements. Accepts hover, focusactive, invalid, required, disabled values.

* You can call the mixin either at the root level of your style sheet to target all the text-based input elements in the DOM or call it in a selector to target only some particular elements as children of the given selector.


Simply call the mixin at the root level of your style sheet to target all the text-based input elements.

@include all-text-inputs {
  background-color: #e6e6e6;
//CSS Output
textarea {
  background-color: #e6e6e6;

Let’s target all the text-based HTML inputs with the :hover pseudo-class selector applied.

@include all-text-inputs(hover) {
  background-color: orange;
//CSS Output
textarea:hover {
  background-color: orange;

Let’s target all the text-based HTML inputs with the :focus pseudo-class selector applied.

@include all-text-inputs(focus) {
  background-color: green;
//CSS Output
textarea:focus {
  background-color: green;

Now let’s target all the text-based HTML inputs with the :active pseudo-class selector applied.

.element {
  @include all-text-inputs(active) {
    background-color: green;
    color: white;
//CSS Output
.element [type='color']:active, 
.element [type='date']:active, 
.element [type='datetime']:active, 
.element [type='datetime-local']:active, 
.element [type='email']:active, 
.element [type='month']:active, 
.element [type='number']:active, 
.element [type='password']:active, 
.element [type='search']:active, 
.element [type='tel']:active, 
.element [type='text']:active, 
.element [type='time']:active, 
.element [type='url']:active, 
.element [type='week']:active, 
.element input:not([type]):active, 
.element textarea:active {
  background-color: green;
  color: white;

Now let’s target all the text-based HTML inputs with the :invalid pseudo-class selector applied.

.element {
  @include all-text-inputs(invalid) {
    background-color: red;
    color: white;
//CSS Output
.element [type='color']:invalid, 
.element [type='date']:invalid, 
.element [type='datetime']:invalid, 
.element [type='datetime-local']:invalid, 
.element [type='email']:invalid, 
.element [type='month']:invalid, 
.element [type='number']:invalid, 
.element [type='password']:invalid, 
.element [type='search']:invalid, 
.element [type='tel']:invalid, 
.element [type='text']:invalid, 
.element [type='time']:invalid, 
.element [type='url']:invalid, 
.element [type='week']:invalid, 
.element input:not([type]):invalid, 
.element textarea:invalid {
  background-color: red;
  color: white;

Now let’s try it with the :required pseudo-class selector applied.

.element {
  @include all-text-inputs(required) {
    background-color: orange;
    color: white;
//CSS Output
.element [type='color']:required, 
.element [type='date']:required, 
.element [type='datetime']:required, 
.element [type='datetime-local']:required, 
.element [type='email']:required, 
.element [type='month']:required, 
.element [type='number']:required, 
.element [type='password']:required, 
.element [type='search']:required, 
.element [type='tel']:required, 
.element [type='text']:required, 
.element [type='time']:required, 
.element [type='url']:required, 
.element [type='week']:required, 
.element input:not([type]):required, 
.element textarea:required {
  background-color: orange;
  color: white;

Now let’s try it with :disabled pseudo-class selector applied.

.element {
  @include all-text-inputs(disabled) {
    background-color: gray;
    color: black;
//CSS Output
.element [type='color']:disabled, 
.element [type='date']:disabled, 
.element [type='datetime']:disabled, 
.element [type='datetime-local']:disabled, 
.element [type='email']:disabled, 
.element [type='month']:disabled, 
.element [type='number']:disabled, 
.element [type='password']:disabled, 
.element [type='search']:disabled, 
.element [type='tel']:disabled, 
.element [type='text']:disabled, 
.element [type='time']:disabled, 
.element [type='url']:disabled, 
.element [type='week']:disabled, 
.element input:not([type]):disabled, 
.element textarea:disabled {
  background-color: gray;
  color: white;

Call the mixin in a selector to target only those text-based input elements inside that selector.

.containing-element {
  @include all-text-inputs {
    background-color: green;
//CSS Output
.containing-element [type='color'], 
.containing-element [type='date'], 
.containing-element [type='datetime'], 
.containing-element [type='datetime-local'], 
.containing-element [type='email'], 
.containing-element [type='month'], 
.containing-element [type='number'], 
.containing-element [type='password'], 
.containing-element [type='search'], 
.containing-element [type='tel'], 
.containing-element [type='text'], 
.containing-element [type='time'], 
.containing-element [type='url'], 
.containing-element [type='week'], 
.containing-element input:not([type]), 
.containing-element textarea {
  background-color: green;